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Who Am I?

Writing is one of my passions, along with singing, teaching, playing the piano, and choral conducting. My publisher calls me a “literary late bloomer” because I didn’t get around to writing my first novel until after retiring from a long career in music education and music ministry. But I’ve been writing poems, stories, and journal entries since I was knee-high to my elementary school's librarian. I also edit for High Tide Publications. So, I’ve worn many hats in my career, but “Author” is one of my favorites. 

I write about women who find the strength to overcome adversity. My novels tackle challenging social issues like child abuse, domestic abuse, substance abuse, and homelessness. But really my novels are about hope, help, and healing. I also write blogs and award-winning essays.

I live in James City County, Virginia with my husband who spoils me. We have two amazing children and five favorite grandchildren. 

You can learn more about my writing journey by watching this video. 

Here's what I've been up to:

Member of: 

Virginia Writers Club

Chesapeake Bay Writers  

Writers Guild of Virginia (Board Member)

Visit me at: 

My Blog Site

My YouTube Channel


High Tide Publications

Indie Bound

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